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Pastor stabbed to death in Jamaica
Kingston, SVM News, June 24, 2007: A pastor and evangelist of the Bible Teachers International Ministry in Jamaica murdered in his house at Shortwood Drive in Kingston on June 23.
Pastor Andrew Lawrence of 40 years old was found dead by a member of the congregation of his church on Saturday in his bed.
Particular church member came to visit the pastor in his home on that morning..
Corporal Lancelot Tyrell, the CCN Liaison Officer of the Police told to the Salem Voice Ministries (SVM) News Service that the dead body of the pastor shows several stab wonds. It is clear that he has been stabbed to death. 
"Police were alerted and upon the arrival of the investigators the body was found with multiple stab wounds," Lancelot Tyrell said.
The police investigators found a clothing iron, a gardening fork and a kitchen knife from the spot. They suspect that those things might have been used for killing the pastor.
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